Guess the Gibberish: Bio-Anthro Version

Napoles, Dominic R.

The 30-minute video unessay consist of four parts; (1) the documentation of “Guess the Gibberish Biological Anthropology version” Instagram filter making, (2) the zoom bardagulan with junior high school friends, (3) the presentation of videos using the Instagram filter, and (4) the final words and takeaways out of the course. The zoom bardagulan introduced anthropology and other important information about biological anthropology to my junior high school friends while the Instagram filter is inspired from the famous guess the gibberish filter. At the latter part, emotion shifted as I grasp the experiences and learnings, I gained throughout the second semester. The whole experience doing this unessay project is a lifetime. It brings back potential and challenge myself to do new things that I have never done. Most importantly, I felt reconnected as I talked with the most important people of my life; and of course, served as an avenue to share my knowledge about humans.


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