Curriculum Vitæ & Qualifications
Updated: Winter 2025
Research Projects
Filipino-ness in Edmonton, Alberta: Placemaking with Filipino Food and Memories
In progress
PhD Dissertation & Research (SSHRC Funded)
Supervisor: Dr. Helen Vallianatos -
Trans-Form-Asians: The Liminal and Disrupted Lives of Singaporean and Balinese Transwomen Sex Workers
Master’s Thesis | Ethics ID: Pro00072348
Collaborators: Project X (Singapore) and Yayasan Gaya Dewata (Bali, Indonesia)
Supervisors: Dr. Helen Vallianatos (2020-2021) and Dr. Gregory Forth (2016-2020)Contact Kevin to learn more about this project.
Edible Ethnicities, Flavours of Modernity: Serving Filipino Food Authenticity in the City of Edmonton
ANTHR 517 & Independent Project | Ethics ID: Pro00069158
Collaborators: Panciteria de Manila, Filistix, and Max’s Restaurant (Edmonton)
Supervisor: Dr. Jean DeBernardiContact Kevin to learn more about this project.
"High-Altitude F*cks": Imagined Landscape and Queer Space in Brokeback Mountain
MLCS 575 Project
Supervisor: Dr. Victoria RuétaloContact Kevin to learn more about this project.
Transgender Cross-Cultural Variations in Indonesia and the Philippines
Honors Thesis | Ethics ID: Pro00062005
Supervisor: Dr. Gregory ForthContact Kevin to learn more about this project.