Guess the Character: All The Basics of Biological Anthropology!

Pradeep Kumar, Anjali C.

“All the Basics of Biological Anthropology!” would be presented through an educational card game inspired by the History Heroes card game. A series of “guess the character” games focus on topics discussed on the sources and readings such as  Charles Darwin, Robert Hooke, Carolus Linnaeus, etc. Each “All the Basics of Biological Anthropology!” deck contains 20 illustrated cards featuring the characters from the readings, it is open to how players would be creating their own set of rules, but the basic goes this way; on each card, there are four facts. The first (green) fact is the “easy” fact that would make the guessing game relatively simple; the following two facts (yellow) are trickier, while fact four (red) is difficult. There is also a Joker fact at the bottom of the card that would confuse the guessing player. The person holding the card reads out the facts of their choice while other players have to guess who is on the card. Whoever guesses correctly wins the card, and the person with the most cards at the end is declared the winner. 

When played frequently enough, players will quickly begin to remember the facts making the game easier and less challenging. It is hitting two birds with one stone, having fun while learning!


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